Cash flow is often an issue in business. Whether your need is inventory or funds for day-to-day operations, look towards a Line of Credit. Secured by business assets, the Line of Credit makes funds available when the need arises. Every small business and non-profit should have a Line of Credit in place for opportunities, emergencies or to cover inadvertent overdrafts.*
- Tap into a convenient, anytime source of financing
- Secured and unsecured options available
- Competitively low rates
- Can be used to finance a wide range of seasonal or ongoing needs:
- Maintain inventory
- Capitalize on trade discounts
- Working capital
- And more
- Reuse without reapplying
- Meet needs without cutting into working capital or savings
- Dividends charged on only what you use
- Local business experience and expertise
- Local decision-making and processing
- Personal, friendly service every step of the way